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 The Way of the Heathen: Heathen Ways and Helladays ( 5 items - 1 page)

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HEK293 Fetal Cells Used in Food Additives
Added: 11/15/2019  |  Hits: 2306

HEK293 Fetal Cells Used in Food Additives

Easter... Christian or heathen?
Added: 3/24/2013  |  Hits: 1718

Everyone that knows the KJV will tell you that Easter is Christian that it's in our Bible... That's only half true, it's in the Bible alright BUT it wasn't alright to participate... Especially with the foolishness with eggs and bunnies...

Halloween or rather Helloween
Added: 8/20/2011  |  Hits: 2207

Halloween has never been a Christian holiday, and it has no place in the life of a born again Believer in JESUS CHRIST. In fact, it is an abomination to God, and we should take our stand firmly against it. As we look at its history, we find that its roots go deep into heathenism, paganism, satanism and the occult; and its modern expression is no better.

The Sin of Santa Claus
Added: 7/24/2011  |  Hits: 2019

It is my sincere hope that many children will find this article and be shocked with the reality that THERE IS NO SANTA CLAUS! Parents who teach their children to tell the truth all year long, hypocritically turn around and lie to their children at Christmas about Santa.

christ-mass, christimas, xmas and what is it really?
Added: 7/10/2011  |  Hits: 3858

While it may have dawned on you previously that Jesus and santa didn’t go to the same church, Christ-mass is and will always be considered a "Christian" holiday. Many people attend church on Christ-mass, and think December 25 signifies the birth of the savior, but what all are they willingly ignorant or rebellious of?

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 The woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment
(Hits: 243)

The Bible commands that this account of the woman doing all that she could be made a memorial, I feel ashamed it's taken me years to bring this up, but read what Jesus said concerning her and her faith.

 There is a Fountain Filled With Blood
(Hits: 417)

There is a fountain filled with blood
drawn from Emmanuel's veins;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
lose all their guilty stains;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.

 James Strong's CONcordance Deception
(Hits: 488)

One of the most dangerous of false prophets in churches today is Dr. James Strong (1822-1894).
James Strong (1822-1894), author of Strong’s Concordance, has been elevated to the position of fourth member of the Trinity by many. His corrupt Greek and Hebrew definitions pepper today’s preaching, as if his lexicon was the final and 67th book of the Bible.

 ESV - English Standard Version Exposed as the Evil satanic Version BEWARE
(Hits: 685)

The ESV's preface and introduction state that the ESV captures the precise wording of the "original text". That is a flat out lie because no one has the "originals" today. What we have today is around 6,000 pieces of copies of the Greek New Testament with most differing from each other. The ESV committee members are dishonest and handle the precious words of God deceitfully.

 Glory-land Way
(Hits: 600)

I’m in the glory-land way;
I’m in the glory-land way;
Heaven is nearer, and the way groweth clearer,
For I’m in the glory-land way.

 Keep on the Firing Line
(Hits: 578)

Oh, you must fight, be brave against all evil,
Never run, nor even lag behind;
If you would win for God and the right,
Just keep on the firing line.

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