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Walt Disney, Horrible!
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 7/26/2011 Hits : 4243)
Walt Disney is promoting lasciviousness, ingratitude, sinful pride, worldliness, arrogance, selfishness, sexual perversion, self-righteousness, feminism, liberalism, Godlessness, a false gospel, heathendom, self-centeredness, witchcraft, demonism, evolution, impudence, premarital sex (fornication), lewdness, homosexuality, dirty-mindedness, and MORE!

Luther’s Lie of Deceit — Infant baptism
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 7/24/2011 Hits : 4015)
Due to the many questions concerning Luther’s teaching that infants are to be baptized, as projected in his Large and Small Catechisms; his philosophy deserves an answer from the Word of God. These questions come from sincere people who, from a child, have been raised and indoctrinated in the catechism of Luther’s philosophy.

Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 8/21/2011 Hits : 3958)
Pentagram With the Goat's Head
Or the Goat of Mendes
This also is a very powerful Symbol in Satanism and Witchcraft.

christ-mass, christimas, xmas and what is it really?
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 7/10/2011 Hits : 3857)
While it may have dawned on you previously that Jesus and santa didn’t go to the same church, Christ-mass is and will always be considered a "Christian" holiday. Many people attend church on Christ-mass, and think December 25 signifies the birth of the savior, but what all are they willingly ignorant or rebellious of?

Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 3/29/2013 Hits : 3693)
While many Masons know about the Masonic affiliation of Brother George Washington, thirteen other Presidents have also been Masons. These fourteen Masonic Presidents span the history of the United States from George Washington to Gerald Ford. February and Presidents’ Day offers the opportunity for Masons to recognize the contributions of these Brothers to their country.

So do you think this is the heaven of the Bible¿
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 3/23/2013 Hits : 3681)
Moshay says that one way to understand a god is to examine his heaven. News reports describe the hopes of the terrorists that their martyrdom would gain them immediate entrance to "paradise" where rivers of wine and harems of virgins awaited.

¿Fue Jesús clavado en la Cruz por sus manos o pies?
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 3/14/2016 Hits : 3609)
¿Fue Jesús clavado en la Cruz por sus manos o pies?

The Peace Sign and Satanism
Posted by: Patrick
(Added : 7/10/2011 Hits : 3260)
The peace symbol (also called the "broken cross," "crow's foot," "witch's foot," "Nero Cross," "sign of the 'broken Jew,'" and the "symbol of the 'anti-Christ''') is actually a cross with the arms broken. It also signifies the "gesture of despair," and the death of man.''


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 The woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment
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