Search Counterfeit KJVs - Unfaithful Publishers
Counterfeit KJVs - Unfaithful Publishers
Date Added: 3/24/2013 Updated: 20130330011656 Viewed: 7765 times
This whole thing started when I was attending church 2 months or so ago I notice that the "s" in the word "spirit" should have been a "S" since it was referring to the Spirit of God. So I finally just reasoned it was a printer error, but after prayer and reading, the Lord lead me on to this in an article, and OH MY! I had 3 different KJVs and 2 of them were not right, but out of the 2 they didn't have the same mistakes as each other, so you have to examine ever scripture to ensure your KJV is the real AV.
Click HERE to download a simple MS Word Document to print off (1 page) Book Chapter : Verse | Real KJV | Counterfeit KJV | GENESIS 1:1 | heaven | heavens | GENESIS 1:2 | Spirit | spirit | GENESIS 8:1 | asswaged | assuaged | GENESIS 11:3 | throughly | thoroughly | GENESIS 11:3 | morter | mortar | GENESIS 12:1 | shew | show | GENESIS 21:26 | to day | today | GENESIS 23:8 | intreat | entreat | GENESIS 24:57 | enquire | inquire | GENESIS 30:37 | chesnut | chestnut | GENESIS 31:42 | labour | labor | GENESIS 41:38 | Spirit | spirit | EXODUS 8:23 | to morrow | tomorrow | EXODUS 24:6 | basons | basins | EXODUS 25:30 | shewbread | showbread | EXODUS 25:30 | alway | always | LEVITICUS 25:9 | jubile | jubilee | NUMBERS 10:25 | rereward | rearward | NUMBERS 20:14 | travail | travel | NUMBERS 22:26 | further | farther | JOSHUA 6:9 | rereward | rearward | JOSHUA 6:13 | rereward | rearward | JOSHUA 19:2 | or | and | JUDGES 3:10 | Spirit | spirit | JUDGES 6:34 | Spirit | spirit | JUDGES 11:29 | Spirit | spirit | JUDGES 13:25 | Spirit | spirit | JUDGES 14:6 | Spirit | spirit | JUDGES 14:19 | Spirit | spirit | JUDGES 15:14 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 6:4 | emerods | hemorrhoids | 1 SAMUEL 6:5 | emerods | hemorrhoids | 1 SAMUEL 6:11 | emerods | hemorrhoids | 1 SAMUEL 6:17 | emerods | hemorrhoids | 1 SAMUEL 10:6 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 10:10 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 11:6 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 16:13 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 16:14 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 18:6 | musick | music | 1 SAMUEL 19:20 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 19:23 | Spirit | spirit | 1 SAMUEL 29:2 | rereward | rearward | 2 SAMUEL 8:4 | houghed | hocked | 2 SAMUEL 23:2 | Spirit | spirit | 1 KINGS 18:12 | Spirit | spirit | 1 KINGS 22:24 | Spirit | spirit | 2 KINGS 2:16 | Spirit | spirit | 2 CHRONICLES 15:1 | Spirit | spirit | 2 CHRONICLES 18:23 | Spirit | spirit | 2 CHRONICLES 20:14 | Spirit | spirit | 2 CHRONICLES 24:20 | Spirit | spirit | JOB 6:2 | throughly | thoroughly | JOB 33:4 | Spirit | spirit | PSALMS 51:2 | throughly | thoroughly | PSALMS 149:6 | twoedged | two-edged | PROVERBS 5:4 | twoedged | two-edged | PROVERBS 22:7 | lender | leader | ISAIAH 40:13 | Spirit | spirit | ISAIAH 48:16 | Spirit | spirit | ISAIAH 52:12 | rereward | rearward | ISAIAH 58:8 | rereward | rearward | ISAIAH 59:17 | cloke | cloak | ISAIAH 59:19 | Spirit | spirit | ISAIAH 61:1 | Spirit | spirit | ISAIAH 63:2 | winefat | winevat | ISAIAH 63:10 | Spirit | spirit | ISAIAH 63:11 | Spirit | spirit | ISAIAH 63:14 | Spirit | spirit | JEREMIAH 6:9 | throughly | thoroughly | JEREMIAH 7:5 | throughly | thoroughly | JEREMIAH 7:5 | throughly | thoroughly | JEREMIAH 50:34 | throughly | thoroughly | EZEKIEL 11:5 | Spirit | spirit | EZEKIEL 11:24 | Spirit | spirit | EZEKIEL 16:9 | throughly | thoroughly | DANIEL 3:25 | the Son of God | a son of the gods (ARE YOU SERIOUS¿!) | JOEL 2:24 | fats | vats | JOEL 3:13 | fats | vats | MATTHEW 1:19 | publick | public | MATTHEW 3:12 | throughly | thoroughly | MATTHEW 4:1 | Spirit | spirit | MARK 12:1 | winefat | winevat | LUKE 2:11 | Saviour | Savior | LUKE 3:17 | throughly | thoroughly | JOHN 4:24 | Spirit | spirit | ACTS 27:40 | hoised | hoisted | 1 CORINTHIANS 10:11 | ensamples | example | 2 CORINTHIANS 11:6 | throughly | thoroughly | PHILIPPIANS 3:17 | ensample | example | 1 THESSALONIANS 1:7 | ensample | example | 1 THESSALONIANS 5:14 | we | who | 2 THESSALONIANS 3:9 | ensample | example | 1 TIMOTHY 6:20 | so called | so-called | 2 TIMOTHY 3:17 | throughly | thoroughly | JAMES 4:13 | to morrow | tomorrow | JAMES 4:13 | to day | today | JAMES 4:14 | vapour | vapor | 1 PETER 5:3 | ensamples | example | 2 PETER 2:6 | ensample | example | 1 JOHN 2:11 | darkness | blindness | 1 JOHN 5:8 | spirit | Spirit | REVELATION 1:16 | twoedged | two-edged | REVELATION 12:12 | inhabiters | inhabitants | So why the 105 (and counting) changes¿ Be very vigilant, the devil will stop at nothing to take away from God's Word! There are MANY times the counterfeit KJVs will change the capital S in spirit to a lower case s, so be on the look out, it is always a capitol S when you are talking about God's Spirit, or the Holy Spirit, and so on. If you are talking about mans spirit or a wicked spirit, it is always with a lower case s. The worst though is in Daniel 3:25 changing "the Son of God" (JESUS CHRIST) to "a son of the gods" (a devil). I cannot take the credit for most of this work, but we are working to find more verses that were altered, and bring more attention to it. Please contact me if you know of a verse that isn't listed here.