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Index by topic
Date Added: 8/29/2015
Viewed: 1090 times

    * Romans 3:23 (Accept the fact that you are a sinner)
    * Romans 6:23a (First part of the verse - There is a penalty for sin.)
    * Romans 5:8 (Christ paid the full & final penalty for our sins)
    * Romans 6:23b (Last part of the verse. - We can’t work for salvation its a gift.)
    * Romans 10:9,10 (All we need do to receive salvation is confess and believe)
    * Romans 10:13 (Salvation is promised to anyone who will believe.)


    * Mark 4:35-41
    * Psalm 56:3,4,10,11


    * Luke 23:34
    * Psalm 35:1,2
    * Psalm 54:1-4

Bereaved / Broken-hearted:

    * 1 Corinthians 15:51-57
    * 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
    * Revelation 21:3-5
    * Psalm 147:3

Conscious Of Sin:

    * Luke 15:11-24
    * 1 John 5-10
    * Psalm 51
    * Psalm 103:12

Desperate / At Your Wits End:

    * Psalm 55:16,17,22.
    * Psalm 61:1-3
    * Psalm 62:1,2
    * Psalm 94:18,19,22
    * Psalm 121:1,2,7


    * Mark 9:23,24.
    * John 20:24-31
    * Psalm 53:1

Facing Death:

    * John 3:16, 14:1-3
    * Revelation 21:4
    * Psalm 23:4

Faith Is Weak:

    * Matthew 8:5-13
    * Luke 12:22-31
    * Hebrews 11

Far From God:

    * Acts 17:22-30
    * James 4:8
    * Psalm 42:5-11
    * Psalm 139:1-18
    * Psalm 145:18

Feeling Inadequate:

    * 1 Corinthians 1:20-31
    * 2 Corinthians 12:9,10.
    * Philippians 4:12.13
    * Psalm 138:8

Feeling Lost:

    * Luke 19:10
    * Ephesians 2:12,13.
    * Psalm 107:4-9


Friends Fail:

    * Luke 17:3,4.
    * 2 Timothy 4:16-18
    * Psalm 27:10-14
    * Psalm 41

Sick & In Pain:

    * 2 Corinthians 12:9,10.
    * James 5:14-16
    * Psalm 38:3-10
    * Psalm 103: 1-4

In Danger or Threatened:

    * Mark 4:37-41
    * 1 Peter 3:13,14
    * Psalm 27:1
    * Psalm 118:6-9


    * Romans 15:3,4.
    * 1 Peter 2:23
    * Psalm 69:9


    * Psalm 3:1-3
    * Psalm 55:20-22

Just Retired:

    * Matthew 6:33,34
    * Philippians 4:12
    * Psalm 71:9


    * Revelation 3:20
    * Psalm 23

Looking For A Job / Made Redundant:

    * Colossians 3:17,23
    * Psalm 71:3

Needing Guidance:

    * Romans 12:1,2
    * Psalm 32:8-10
    * Proverbs 16:3

Needing Peace:

    * John 14:27
    * Colossians 3:15
    * Romans 5:1-5


    * Luke 11:1-13
    * John 14:12-14
    * James 5:13,16
    * 1 John 5:14,15
    * Psalm 66:17,20


    * Matthew 11:28
    * 1 Peter 5:7
    * Psalm 3:5
    * Psalm 4:1,6-8

Where To Find Help
When Tempted To:

Commit Suicide:

    * 1 Corinthians 3:16,17
    * Psalm 31:9,14,15.
    * Psalm 88:1-5,13


    * Mark 10:1-12
    * Romans 7:2,3

Drink Abuse:

    * 1 Corinthians 10:31
    * Ephesians 5:18
    * 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8

Drug Abuse:

    * John 8:34-36
    * 2 Peter 2:19


    * Galatians 5:26
    * Philippians 4:11
    * James 3:16


    * John 8:44
    * Ephesians 4:25
    * Revelations 21:8

Sexual Immorality:

    * 1 Corinthians 6:9,10,13
    * Galatians 5;19-23
    * 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7


    * Romans 13:9,10
    * Ephesians 4:28
    * Hebrews 13:5


Where To Find Help


    * 2 Corinthians 2:14
    * Ephesians 5:19,20
    * Psalm 92:1-5
    * Psalm 100


    * Philippians 4:11-13
    * Psalm 37:7,25.

Unfairly Treated or Wrongly Accused:

    * Luke 6:27,28
    * Hebrews 12:3
    * 1 Peter 2:19-24


    * Hebrews 13:6
    * Psalm 37:8-11, 34
    * Psalm 59:3,4,9,10


    * Matthew 11:28-30
    * 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
    * Psalm 116:5-14


    * Acts 1:8
    * Acts 5:20,21
    * Acts 18:9,10
    * 1 Peter 3:15


    * Matthew 6:25-34
    * Philippians 4:6,7

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